So my job over Christmas is to work out the best packaging idea for the patterns, as the one I have at the moment is just a kind of stopgap, due to having to produce them quickly for a workshop. Then it will be on to the patterns for other accessories I designed a while ago. I have quite a few ideas, but the packaging is soooooo important. People who actually get to see my stuff seem to love it, so I've realised that it's seeing the stuff in real life that's the key to selling it, or a pattern or a workshop for it. I've sold about 6 without trying at all :-)
So that's my work cut out (get it?) over Christmas, alongside the bespoke commissions.
Speaking of which, now that the tweed extravaganza has departed, and will make it's starring appearance next Saturday, somewhere in Gloucestershire, I am on to an equally different fabric for a wedding dress - suede - well, faux actually, but you'd hardly know the difference! It's gonna be VERY nice I think, and will have a sumptuous, '50's but modern' look to it. MANY metres of fabric here!!! Looking forward to it :-)
Anyway, here's the lady of the smittens, looking very happy :-D
Speak soon!