Midsummer blog, and it's done nothing but rain for about 2 months....well, here in the U.K., that is, if you're reading this from across the water!
So, having just put up a post on Facebook (my Atelier business page) about some amazing fabrics which had come to my notice in the last couple of days, I just thought I'd let you, my mailing list people, see the text in case you don't do facebook, and I know that many of you don't.
Here it is:
Although this is not strictly wedding dress related (but could easily be!)..... I received yesterday the fabric swatch books from Harrisons of Edinburgh, which include some of the softest, silkiest most beautiful cashmere fabrics I have ever seen. This is a British company, and I know the Italians are hard to beat when it comes to fabric of certain types, but we should thank somebody/something, that this company is still going despite economic bad times. I guess it's true that the upper echelons of business aren't affected so much in recessions, (and this is fabric of the upper echelon!), but it's good to know that stuff of this quality is still produced here.
Abraham Moon's are also scoring massively in my book today, as their fabulous swatch books also arrived (know as 'bunches'), full of amazing tweeds in every subtle mix of colours, plus 5 rolls of fabric from them has just been delivered for a current project, which are a total joy to behold! Imagine lying in field of long grass, and looking through the stems to a purple moor in the distance, with the sun sparkling down, and you'll get a bit of an idea!!
I can't help being a fabric freak, so sorry if I seem a bit crazy!
Consequently, I am now planning a revolutionary draped wedding dress in softest, shimmering, herringbone weave cashmere, which has to be seen to be believed! Just need another winter wedding dress commission to come along.....
P.S. I know it's a bit after the event, but kept meaning to do this about 6 weeks ago. Here's little video of my Artweeks show, for those who couldn't make the show itself can be seen here:
AND, photos of some amazing, locally hand made lace, made by the mother of a woman who came to the show: (again, contact me if you, or anyone else you know would like this uncommon skill featured in a wedding dress design, using almost any motif you could imagine - floral, animal, insect, geometric etc., etc.)